HomeProduct Lungime unitate interna1140 mm 1140 mm Filter Pret BTU Utilizare Comercial 1/50Industrial 0/4Interior 0/6Rezidențial 0/72 Tip produs Casetă 0/12Coloana 0/1Consola 0/6Duct 1/23Pompa de caldura 0/32Split 0/1Standard 0/97 Eficienta energetica racire A++ 1/148A+++ 0/3 Brand NoneAUX 28Goldsense 38HITACHI 55Hokkaido 57MDV 60Termal 3 Showing the single result Default sorting Sort by popularity Sort by average rating Sort by latest Sort by price: low to high Sort by price: high to low Added to wishlistRemoved from wishlist -1 Add to compare Comercial Aer conditionat tip DUCT Hitachi 34000 BTUh, lichid de racire R32, sleep mode, timer, eco mode, auto diagnoza, pompa de apa inclusa 15416 lei Add to cart